Friday, September 5, 2008

Adios Summer.

Baylee loves the water she's my little ariel.

This summer we got to do alot of fun stuff with the people we love.For uncle jj birth day abuelo y abuela decided to have a fun BBQ at there house, we got to enjoy a fun hot day in there pool and ate lots of good treats.For those of you who really know me i love the summer and it's sad that fall is coming soon, i tell travis all the time that i could live in Florida,New Mexico or even Arizona,but he thinks i am crazy cause he is one of those guys that gets to hot when he sleeps and has to sleep with out blankets and stuff even in the winter.! But we just want to tell all of our family and friends thanks for such a wonderful summer.


Val and Shauna Steed said...

I'm sad summer is over, too! I am usually so ready for fall but not this year. I needed one more month of summer. The pool looks beautiful. I wish we had one.

Nicole said...

Shauna is right, summer was way too short. I think it is because it didn't really start being warm until the end of June.